Happy Demons Beers

Bestel 1 van onze 9 heerlijke speciaalbieren en maak je inner demon happy! Je kan ze bestellen in onze shop

Hazy Demons:
Our first beer. A delicious NEIPA (New England IPA) with hints of fruit. A nice after taste that brings you to the tropics.

Three Demons:
Our second craft beer: Three Demons is a tripel after Belgian example. We proudly present this 3 grains beer, brewed with lots of patience and passion.

Weizen Demons:
Our third craft beer: Weizen Demons let you taste the German Weizen beer with a hint of the tropics!

Bocking Demons:
Our fourth craft beer: Bocking Demons will let you buck of happiness. A subtle flavour that let you taste the colours of the fall!
Verkrijgbaar in de 2021 (Fles) 2022 (blik 33cl) en 2023 (blik 33cL) editie

Blondie Demons:
Our fifth craft beer: Blondie Demons is a blond beer that reflects the coorperation within our team. Lovely to see even better to enjoy. What kind of music do our demons play? Check out the Spotify link on the bottle.

Imagine Demons – Demons UITVERKOCHT:
Our first special of the Imagine Demons craft beer line. A new craft beer line based on the music of the Imagine Dragons.
We have chosen for the song Demons because we named our brewery after the song. Check our story on our website.

Imagine Demons: Smoke & Mirrors
Our second Imagine Demons! A love smoked porter beautiful balanced. It tells the story that not everything is what is seems.

Imagine Demons: Waves
Our third Imagine Demons. A beautiful Export Stout with Vanilla and Sea salt. It tells the story that in life you have to roll with the waves.

50 jaar Graan voor Visch! In honour of the 50th anniversary of our neighbourhood Graan voor Visch, we made a beautiful Farmhouse Ale. LIMITED EDITION

Razzy Demons (BACK IN STOCK)

This stout is a collab between Brouwerij RAZ and Happy Demons Craft Beer. RAZ is from the Dutch town of Rockanje, a beautiful coastol town with a lot of nature and and awesome beach. You will get the bounty feeling that nature provided us in this beer with dark chocolate, coconut and RaZberries.

Te koop nog bij Brouwerij RaZ: https://brouwerijraz.nl/
