Hazy Demons on the Dutch Favorite Beerlist 2023!
How cool is that! De Hazy Demons is on the Dutch Favorite Beerlist 2023! What an achievement! Thank you very much to our awesome brewmaster Richard Spierdijk of SpierBier who refined our recipe! And Eva ten Haaf of X-Brewing who nominated us!
It is a really delicious NEIPA. We are are very proud that we are on the list and very gratefull. Thank you so much!
Order our Hazy Demons and one of other amazing beers in our shop: www.happydemons.nl/shop
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Who are the Happy Demons?
Happy Demons Craft Beer is a micro brewery from Hoofddorp The Netherlands. The brewery is founded in 2021 by Diederick. Some time later his buddy Kees joined the brewery. Diederick and Kees are to craft beer fanatics with a passion for different craft beers and music.
Website created by Dunja van der Does